Shopping Centre Security | Building Security Guard | Sydney

Building Security, Concierge Security And Shopping Centre Security In Sydney

Specialized building security management service for giving 360-degree protection to your building Making buildings and shopping centers safe from every possible external threat from many years

Proper security management is crucial for each and every type of building. With this in place, you can keep your asset, people, and yourself safe while maintaining business continuity. But since buildings and shopping centers require unique safety measures, it becomes paramount not to make building security management a DIY.

Alliance Security Group offers specialized building security management service through a team of highly trained, fit, and skilled building security guards who have been handling the security management of buildings for more than a decade.

Most of the time, building managers face unique challenges when it comes to security, but with Alliance Security Group, you don’t have to worry about any external threat as we will monitor, check and fulfill the security needs of your building on round the clock basis.

Our list of services under building security management

  • Building security service
  • Building security guards
  • Building security management
  • Shopping center security
  • Concierge security, and much more

What makes our building security guards perfect for building security?

We have a large pool of highly trained, physically fit, and certified guards who have been working, especially in building security management for many years. We conduct regular training for all our guards to improve their communication skills, decision-making ability, and situation handling skills. Every guard in our team is equipped with the latest technological solution like GPS tracking and wireless communication device that facilitates them to deliver a better security service. We also have a loss prevention officer in our team as well.

The list of shopping centers that stay safe with our building security management service

  • Ryde Shopping Centre
  • Macquarie Shopping Centre
  • Rhodes Shopping Centre, and much more

We are an expert at concierge security

hlighted and trusted security services under building security management. There are not many security companies out there that offer concierg

Our years of experience of dealing with various industries and our highly experienced trainers make sure that our guards possess the required skill for concierge security.

What can you expect from our building security management service?

  • Regular observation and analysis of each and every type of incident at the building that may lead to damage or loss of property or endanger the safety of people in your building. We do round the clock monitoring with a team of alert guards.
  • Guarding of buildings, parking area, grounds, and all the nearby places that are connected to the building or that could lead to security concerns for the building or shopping center.
  • Regular foot patrol in order to ensure the situation is always in control and use of the proactive approach in order to deal with issues before they endanger the safety of employees or damage to property and other assets.
  • Regular check of alarms, fire extinguisher, and all other tools and equipment that can come handy in a crisis situation. This allows us to be ready and deal with any situation instead of regretting a lack of inspection.
  • Proper maintenance of logs for each and every type of visitors and other personnel. It helps us in filtering down or at least knowing which type of people are entering the building and keeps people with malicious intent  away from entering the premises.

Alliance Security Group provides building security services and security management, concierge security and shopping centre security services across Sydney.

Our building security guards are properly licensed, highly trained and experienced and will make sure your building assets are well protected.

Concierge security requires the ability to deliver exceptional customer and guest service along with traditional security services.

Our building security guards are well presented, well spoken, courteous and are able to deliver outstanding levels of service to guests and customers. This makes them perfectly qualified for concierge security and shopping centre security work, both of which require substantial interaction with customers and the public. They can respond professionally and knowledgably to queries and complaints, have confident telephone manners, while being able to respond effectively to emergencies and security situations.

Some of the shopping centres in Sydney we can provide security to include Rhodes Shopping Centre, Macquare Shopping Centre and Ryde Shopping Centre, among others.

Alliance Security Group also provides full building security management services and building security guards .

Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your building security needs.