School Security Services | School Safety & Security Services | Sydney

School Security Services In Sydney

We trust schools for brilliant minds and schools trust us for our exceptional security service

Make the world a more knowledgeable place by focusing on your school rather than worrying about its security

School property is prone to vandalism, theft, robbery of important documents as a severe case can hurt people and children in the school. This is one of the main reasons why the security of property and people has become paramount in schools.

Children don’t have much knowledge about safety, and it is your duty to keep them safe, at least when they are on the school premise. But instead of being dependent upon untrained and physically unfit security guards, choose the school security services of Alliance Security Group and get professional school security services for your school.

Alliance Security Group has a large pool of security guards that are specifically trained for working with student populations. All our security guards are committed to acting as a strong layer of security between the external threats and school premises with additional training for first aid, emergency response, and understanding security challenges faced by kids.

We provide school security services for both private and public schools

How do we make schools completely secure?

Regular patrolling

Our security guards set patrol points at the lookout points of the school in order to build a robust security barrier and have a seamless security network. In addition to this, our security guards will also conduct regular patrolling of the dormitory in order to ensure everything is under control. This keeps our security guards always aware of the situation at the school, and they are able to detect any security before it turns into a disaster.

Security exit and entry points

The exit and entry points of the school are notorious for allowing people with malicious intent into the premise and cause damage to property and people. Therefore, we assign at least two security guards (depending on the size of the school) on the exit and entry point of the school and check IDs of everyone entering into the school. This is how we provide exceptional school security services.

Keeping the students safe

Our security guards make sure that any type of fight between students is resolved quickly because even small arguments between students can lead to ugly fights and severe injuries. In addition to this, we also make sure that all the students get into their buses properly. We use each and every type of effective approach to keeping the students safe on the premise.

Quick response to emergency situations

We regularly train our school security guards so that they can quickly respond to emergency situations. From vacating the school in the case of an emergency to calling the police if the situation goes out of control, our quick response allows you to minimize or completely eliminate any type of damage or loss. Our security guards will call the fire department or ambulance if required because they are properly trained for handling such situations without panicking.

Spotting and eliminating illegal activities

The use of illegal drugs and bringing dangerous weapons in schools has become very common, and that’s why we train our guards to spot all such illegal activities and report the school authority about the student or person responsible for it. Keeping your school drug and weapon-free becomes easy with our school security services.

Complete cover

From classrooms to playgrounds, every inch of your school premise falls under our security zone, and we take care of every corner of your school premise. This is one of the main reasons why we act as a one-stop-shop for all your security needs.

Security at schools has become more and more of a concern over the past few years. Alliance Security Group provides a range of security solutions for schools and are trained and experienced in the unique requirements of school security.

We can school provide security services for any type of school, from kindergartens and primary schools through to high schools and university campuses.

We provide protection against violence as well as preventing theft, vandalism and trespass.

School security services we provide

Alliance Security Group can work with public and private schools and universities to provide these school security services :

  • Monitoring for suspicious behavior
  • Monitoring for illegal activity
  • Preventing and de-escalating dangerous situations
  • Patrolling schools and campuses on foot and vehicle
  • Preventing vandalism and damage
  • Investigating unlawful entry
  • Collaborate with local police where required

Alliance Security Group has the necessary skills and expertise to keep any school safe from violence and free from damage and vandalism. Our guards are trained and experienced in dealing with students of all ages and making sure they feel comfortable with their presence.

So if you are looking to make your School Secure? Alliance Security Group offers a range of School Security Services  to keep pupils safe.Contact us today to find out how we can help with your school security needs.